Friday, October 15, 2010

Whose Business Is It?

Many years ago Terry Cole Whittaker wrote a book entitled "What You Think of Me is None of My Business." The main point being that we need to be true to ourselves and not be overly concerned with how others are viewing our choices.

Most of us spend way too much time worrying about what the proverbial "they says" say.

Who are the "they says" anyway?

For the most part they only exist in our heads, in our belief systems. Depending on how you were raised you might have an inner "they say" voice that repeatedly informs you it's a sin to eat meat on Friday or some other nonsensical man-made idea.

Learning to question and reject erroneous belief systems is the major key to creating the life experiences we desire.

Several years ago there was a popular bumper sticker that said, "Question Authority." The authority that most needs to be questioned is the inner voice that pontificates on what's appropriate for you and others. It's simply your belief system.

If your inner belief system is not in alignment with what you desire to create in your life, there's only one solution. You must change the belief system.

Changing a long-held, entrenched belief system usually doesn't happen overnight. It takes commitment and perseverance, but any belief can be changed.

When you hear an inner voice telling you that you can't be, do or have something, question it.
See if it actually makes any sense. A few might, but most of them are as ridiculous as thinking you'll burn in a man-made hell for eternity if you eat meat on Friday.

Identify the erroneous belief.
Say "NO!" to it.
Affirm what you do want. Affirm it over and over and over until the old belief gives up and the voice stops playing it.

You deserve all the good you desire, and the only person's business it is is yours. You must consciously take command and evict a "they say" voice that isn't in alignment with the good you seek to experience.