Saturday, November 6, 2010

Realization Therapy

When we first experience a desire for something -- whether it's a healing, a new home, a business, or whatever -- in that moment what we're seeking exists in Mind. It's a done deal.

So the challenge is not to keep affirming that something exists over and over. It's simply to be still and know that it does exist in mind. As we realize that it exists in Mind, we create an energy that allows it to appear in our manifest world.

So what's the difference between an affirmation and a realization statement?

The wording may be identical. The difference is in the feeling with which it is expressed.

An affirmation is said from a place of trying to make yourself believe that it's true. Many people recite affirmations over and over with little feeling or emphasis. If said enough it may eventually lead to a realization but usually the person reciting affirmations gives up after a while and says, "This doesn't work."

A realization statement is said from a sense of wonder and gratitude that it already exists. Realization statements tap into the feeling nature. They're said slowly, deliberately with emphasis on feeling the reality of the thing being realized.

God, the Creative Principle of Life, understands feelings much better than words. In the Biblical sense "The Word" isn't an English or Spanish word. It's not a noun or verb. It's a vibration, a wave of energy that resonates out and connects with what Ernest Holmes, author of The Science of Mind called Cosmic Stuff, the primal building blocks of matter, Divine Substance. As contact is made a new creation begins to take physical form.

Visualization is an important part of the creative process. Confucius is credited with saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. A strong visual image held in an individual's mind automatically moves one into feelings.

The steps to the realization process are:

1. State your desire in a clear, concise way.
2. Be still and consciously and slowly focus on the desire fulfilled.
3. Picture it.
4, Feel it as complete.
5, Give thanks for the fulfillment of your desire.
6. Release it to the Universal Creative Power, relax and go about your daily activities.

Repeat at least once and preferably three times a day until it is accomplished.