Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

It's a quiet morning, 4:30 a.m., and I'm staring at the lights on my mini Christmas tree, reflecting on the sacredness of this time of year.

Long before people were celebrating the birth of the Christ child, they were celebrating the ideals of Christ Consciousness by honoring the Light that always shines, even in the deepest darkness. And often it is in the deepest darkness of our lives that we are called to return to the Light -- the Presence of Infinite Love and Wisdom within us -- to renew and gather strength for our human journey.

When I turned on my computer a while ago the following message was waiting for me. It's the perfect expression of what I want to say to any of you reading this.

My beloved friend.

Your amazing heart is the shining star of this blessed night.
Allow the spacious Magic of the returning Light
to flow through your whole Being.
May you Shine with the Power of Love and
may you Shine with the sacredness of new beginnings.

Blessings to you dear One
on this magical Winter solstice .

With immense Love,
Your sister in Spirit,

Winter Solstice 2010

Tamara is a beautiful crone, a woman who has lived in harmony with the seasons, a woman who has found the love of the ancient paths to peace and love.

There are many paths, many names for the Presence and Power in which we live, move and have our being. Actually, most of our Christian holidays were superimposed on pagan celebrations. This morning I honor the returning physical light as a powerful symbol for the Light of Love and Peace.

In the stillness of winter may you find a deeper connection with your own Sacred Self.

Blessed Be!

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