Monday, August 30, 2010


I usually dream at least three-features in technicolor and Dolby stereo every night. Dreams are a powerful way in which I’ve gained insight into my ever, evolving consciousness and I enjoy having them and working with them.
A couple nights ago I dreamt there was an almost dead elephant spread out in front of my home. It was huge and was deeply embedded in the soil. It appeared to be in its final death throes and some workers were standing around trying to figure out how to dispose of it.
As I reflected on this dream I realized it was my subconscious mind’s way of letting me know that an old, embedded belief system that has plagued me most of my life was finally ending.
I went into a meditative state and saw the workers painlessly putting the elephant out of her misery and then removing the body for cremation (purification).
Then I planted positive, helpful ideas in the deep gouges left by the elephant’s body and covered the thought seeds with fresh, rich soil.
Why an elephant? Elephants “never” forget; and it had been seemingly impossible for me to forget the belief system I was dealing with as it had been so deeply impressed upon me as a child. Also the saying, "There's an elephant in the room" means there's something that's not being dealt with. That elephant had been in my mental room way too long.
I am available to help you work with your dreams. E-mail me at to set up an appointment.

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