Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Paraphrasing Matthew 12:25, Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
In James 1:8 we're told "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
I recently had the opportunity to reflect more deeply on these concepts. I applied for a job I didn't get and truly felt I should have gotten. However there was hesitation and division in my consciousness about some of the things I would be trading off -- like closeness to my family -- if I got it.
What I realized is that when I am absolutely clear about what I want, I get it almost instantly. But as long as I'm divided in my desire I experience a lot of inner instability and confusion and outer conditions aren't clear and clean cut.
I think one of the secrets to living in harmony with oneself and others is "When in doubt, don't."
Seek first clarity. Be focused on what you really do want. And if there's a lot of inner debate going on it's probably best to release it and seek something entirely different.

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