Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Higher Self

The concept of God as the Whole, the Universe, Source Energy, Principle, Life, etc., is so expansive that I've never been able to feel much of a personal connection.
When people say, "God loves you," that has very little meaning to me. As a divine idea Love is definitely a part of the totality the God of my understanding is, but I don't think that Allness loves me with anything that we might feel as a human connection. One aspect of It's nature is Love itself, the divine idea of pure, unconditional love.
However, the concept of Higher Self, Higher Power, or God Individualized brings it down to an earthly level where I can feel connected and one with something higher than "me," the human. I see, feel, know my Higher Self as that part of my consciousness that sees the big picture, that is an expression of the highest and best there is and wants to experience those attributes on earth as me, Kathryn.
My Higher Self loves me, cares for me and wants me to have all the good I truly desire because my desires come from Her. She is connected with the Whole, knows what will make me happy and fulfilled, and knows how to guide me to the fulfillment of those desires.
Your Higher Self is there for you. She/He is a steady stream of love, wisdom and guidance flowing through you, leading you to ever greater good. All we have to do is let go and let Her/Him show us our own unique path step by step by step. One day at a time. One step at a time. Let go and let Higher Self have Her/His way with you.

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