Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Harvest Moon Ritual

Last night the full moon rose and shortly thereafter the fall equinox occurred. The full moon hasn't shone at the time of equinox since 1991. The full moon that rose last night was also the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is defined as the full moon closest to the fall equinox. It would be hard for it to get much closer. It was within two hours.

A few years ago I created a Harvest Moon Ritual. There's a lake in Western Nevada called Pyramid Lake. It's the most lunar-looking place I've ever seen. I discovered it accidentally -- or was I "led" to it -- when I was on one of my three-day silent driving retreats. I was awestruck with the barrenness and the incredible beauty of it. It's located on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Reservation, and the Native American energy may add to the mystery and magic I feel when I'm there.

My ritual is to drive up there and sit in the silence while the moon shines on the lake and give thanks for the harvest of blessings I've received this year. It's about a three-hour drive from where I live in Northern California. While driving I listened to Carlos Nakai's "Canyon Suite."
Driving through the Sierra Nevada mountains in the moonlight is magical and mystical in itself.

I found myself wishing everyone in the world could experience the connection I feel with our beautiful planet and her awesome and diverse beauty. Mountains, rivers, pine trees, lakes, oceans, deserts -- each has it's own unique brand of beauty. While I honor, practice and have practiced various spiritual traditions, in my human heart I am a nature worshipper. It's where I most feel my union with Source, God, whatever you choose to call the Infinite IS.

I had a bountiful harvest of gifts to be thankful for this year including the glorious freedom to get in a car at 8 p.m. and drive most of the night. A wonderful way to enjoy three of my favorite things: nature, driving and beautiful music.

May your harvest be bountiful and may more good things come to you every day.

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