Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Mystical Marriage

The words from the traditional marriage service are familiar to most of us. "What God has joined together let no man put asunder."

When we understand "God" as "Consciousness" these words take on a deeply expanded meaning. What Consciousness has joined together no man can put asunder. What consciousness has joined together cannot be pulled apart without a shift in the original consciousness that drew the parts together.

Consciousness attracts it's own and binds with it. In a relationship -- whether marriage or friendship or a career connection, Consciousness is what brought the parties together.

If something is ours by divine right of consciousness that means that it's truly ours and we don't need to struggle or effort to keep it. If we try to get something by force, by manipulation, then we have to work hard to keep it.

The mystical marriage occurs anytime two parties are brought together by right of consciousness. And it's wonderful, easy, joyful.

And when the consciousness of one or both parties shifts, then the relationship also shifts.

It's not necessarily good and it's not necessarily bad. It's just different.

We're each centers of creative consciousness attracting and repelling as we grow in awareness. Being in the flow without attachment leads to a life of ease, joy and fulfillment.

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