Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Magic, but ...

One of the things I, personally, find irritating in New Thought and Law of Attraction teachings are the many references to "magic" and "miracles."

I don't believe in magic or miracles.

What I do believe in is PROCESS.

Thoughts are creative energy and every thought we think impresses our subconscious mind with the idea that that's what we want to experience. Good or bad. Happy or sad. We're constantly creating through our thoughts, feelings and visualizations.

I frequently remind myself: MY THOUGHTS ARE CREATIVE ENERGY. As I powerfully think the same thought, visualize and feel it's fulfillment over and over an ever larger, more powerful energy field is created which, when it reaches maximum, automatically manifests. It is the LAW. It must MANIFEST. If I don't have what I want, it's because I haven't thought, felt and visualized enough for it to become my reality.

Sometimes when the desired result manifests it does feel like something magical or miraculous has happened, but it's not magic. It's just the outer manifestation of an inner belief system that has become complete.

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