Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

It's a quiet morning, 4:30 a.m., and I'm staring at the lights on my mini Christmas tree, reflecting on the sacredness of this time of year.

Long before people were celebrating the birth of the Christ child, they were celebrating the ideals of Christ Consciousness by honoring the Light that always shines, even in the deepest darkness. And often it is in the deepest darkness of our lives that we are called to return to the Light -- the Presence of Infinite Love and Wisdom within us -- to renew and gather strength for our human journey.

When I turned on my computer a while ago the following message was waiting for me. It's the perfect expression of what I want to say to any of you reading this.

My beloved friend.

Your amazing heart is the shining star of this blessed night.
Allow the spacious Magic of the returning Light
to flow through your whole Being.
May you Shine with the Power of Love and
may you Shine with the sacredness of new beginnings.

Blessings to you dear One
on this magical Winter solstice .

With immense Love,
Your sister in Spirit,

Winter Solstice 2010

Tamara is a beautiful crone, a woman who has lived in harmony with the seasons, a woman who has found the love of the ancient paths to peace and love.

There are many paths, many names for the Presence and Power in which we live, move and have our being. Actually, most of our Christian holidays were superimposed on pagan celebrations. This morning I honor the returning physical light as a powerful symbol for the Light of Love and Peace.

In the stillness of winter may you find a deeper connection with your own Sacred Self.

Blessed Be!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Realization Therapy

When we first experience a desire for something -- whether it's a healing, a new home, a business, or whatever -- in that moment what we're seeking exists in Mind. It's a done deal.

So the challenge is not to keep affirming that something exists over and over. It's simply to be still and know that it does exist in mind. As we realize that it exists in Mind, we create an energy that allows it to appear in our manifest world.

So what's the difference between an affirmation and a realization statement?

The wording may be identical. The difference is in the feeling with which it is expressed.

An affirmation is said from a place of trying to make yourself believe that it's true. Many people recite affirmations over and over with little feeling or emphasis. If said enough it may eventually lead to a realization but usually the person reciting affirmations gives up after a while and says, "This doesn't work."

A realization statement is said from a sense of wonder and gratitude that it already exists. Realization statements tap into the feeling nature. They're said slowly, deliberately with emphasis on feeling the reality of the thing being realized.

God, the Creative Principle of Life, understands feelings much better than words. In the Biblical sense "The Word" isn't an English or Spanish word. It's not a noun or verb. It's a vibration, a wave of energy that resonates out and connects with what Ernest Holmes, author of The Science of Mind called Cosmic Stuff, the primal building blocks of matter, Divine Substance. As contact is made a new creation begins to take physical form.

Visualization is an important part of the creative process. Confucius is credited with saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. A strong visual image held in an individual's mind automatically moves one into feelings.

The steps to the realization process are:

1. State your desire in a clear, concise way.
2. Be still and consciously and slowly focus on the desire fulfilled.
3. Picture it.
4, Feel it as complete.
5, Give thanks for the fulfillment of your desire.
6. Release it to the Universal Creative Power, relax and go about your daily activities.

Repeat at least once and preferably three times a day until it is accomplished.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Whose Business Is It?

Many years ago Terry Cole Whittaker wrote a book entitled "What You Think of Me is None of My Business." The main point being that we need to be true to ourselves and not be overly concerned with how others are viewing our choices.

Most of us spend way too much time worrying about what the proverbial "they says" say.

Who are the "they says" anyway?

For the most part they only exist in our heads, in our belief systems. Depending on how you were raised you might have an inner "they say" voice that repeatedly informs you it's a sin to eat meat on Friday or some other nonsensical man-made idea.

Learning to question and reject erroneous belief systems is the major key to creating the life experiences we desire.

Several years ago there was a popular bumper sticker that said, "Question Authority." The authority that most needs to be questioned is the inner voice that pontificates on what's appropriate for you and others. It's simply your belief system.

If your inner belief system is not in alignment with what you desire to create in your life, there's only one solution. You must change the belief system.

Changing a long-held, entrenched belief system usually doesn't happen overnight. It takes commitment and perseverance, but any belief can be changed.

When you hear an inner voice telling you that you can't be, do or have something, question it.
See if it actually makes any sense. A few might, but most of them are as ridiculous as thinking you'll burn in a man-made hell for eternity if you eat meat on Friday.

Identify the erroneous belief.
Say "NO!" to it.
Affirm what you do want. Affirm it over and over and over until the old belief gives up and the voice stops playing it.

You deserve all the good you desire, and the only person's business it is is yours. You must consciously take command and evict a "they say" voice that isn't in alignment with the good you seek to experience.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Core Addiction

There are still occasions when I behave in an addictive fashion around my drug of choice - food.

I've come a long way, and I still need to be mindful and take charge of my addiction process.

I've joked that my final addiction is my addiction to negative thinking. In truth, it's really not a joke. It's real. And it's an addiction we all have to a lesser or greater degree.

It's not something we need to be hard on ourselves about because it comes with the territory of being human. We were trained as children to think both positively and negatively. And for most of us it's been a life-long process of learning to overcome negative, ingrained thought patterns.

One of the most effective ways I've found to deal with the negative thoughts once I become conscious of them is by using a mantra. Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Shaman and author of The Four Agreements and other books, says that he overcame what he calls his inner parasite (negative voice) by singing Beatles' songs. At the time he didn't speak English so he didn't know what the words meant, he just sang them over and over to drown out his negative thoughts.

A mantra doesn't need to be religious in nature. It's simply a phrase that helps us focus. And a mantra doesn't have to be done in a meditative or altered state of consciousness. One of my favorites is: All God, All Good, All Ways, Always.

It should be something you relate to personally. A string of positive words can be an excellent choice: Peace, Presence, Positive, Power.

The main point is to shift your focus from the negative to something more positive or, at least, neutral.

A mantra can be used to program our minds with something we truly want. In the case of my food addiction using "Vibrant Health, Ideal Weight" has been useful. It isn't a magic formula but when I allow myself to use it, it does at least temporarily prevent inappropriate behavior.

Step-by-step I'm making progress, and I trust you are also.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Emotional Fire

"Passion" is emotional fire. "Passion" goes beyond "desire" or "enthusiasm." We often think of "passion" in terms of romantic love. We speak of people being passionately in love.

Love is an attractive force pulling to us the object of our desire. When we fuel that love with passion things often happen very quickly and often quite easily.

If there's something in your life that you feel the Law of Attraction is not delivering, you might ask yourself: "How passionate am I about being, doing, having this?"

When I look back on the demonstrations I've experienced by consciously asking and believing, I'm aware that the level of passion I felt about being, doing, or having the thing had a direct bearing on whether I got it or how quickly and easily it happened.

Passion is a key ingredient in commitment. When we're committed to something it's like saying, "There is no other option. This is the way it will be." We don't commit to something unless we feel passionate about it.

Can you fall in love with the idea of having your desire fulfilled? Can you add emotional fire to your desire and become passionate and then channel that passion into commitment?

What would it feel like if you were passionately in love with what you want?

Passion ignites a new level of energy within our attraction mechanism.

What I like about the idea of blogging is that I'm talking to myself and sharing my thoughts with others. I know I need more passion in my life in many areas.

Yesterday when I wrote about my moonlight drive through the mountains, I was writing about a passion of mine.

I need the same type of passion about getting a website created.

How to create more passion? The emotional fire is always available within, it's just letting go of old beliefs that block the flow into new creative endeavors.

I can consciously choose to be passionate about website design. It's simply a choice. Will I make it? I'm still struggling with that. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Harvest Moon Ritual

Last night the full moon rose and shortly thereafter the fall equinox occurred. The full moon hasn't shone at the time of equinox since 1991. The full moon that rose last night was also the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is defined as the full moon closest to the fall equinox. It would be hard for it to get much closer. It was within two hours.

A few years ago I created a Harvest Moon Ritual. There's a lake in Western Nevada called Pyramid Lake. It's the most lunar-looking place I've ever seen. I discovered it accidentally -- or was I "led" to it -- when I was on one of my three-day silent driving retreats. I was awestruck with the barrenness and the incredible beauty of it. It's located on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Reservation, and the Native American energy may add to the mystery and magic I feel when I'm there.

My ritual is to drive up there and sit in the silence while the moon shines on the lake and give thanks for the harvest of blessings I've received this year. It's about a three-hour drive from where I live in Northern California. While driving I listened to Carlos Nakai's "Canyon Suite."
Driving through the Sierra Nevada mountains in the moonlight is magical and mystical in itself.

I found myself wishing everyone in the world could experience the connection I feel with our beautiful planet and her awesome and diverse beauty. Mountains, rivers, pine trees, lakes, oceans, deserts -- each has it's own unique brand of beauty. While I honor, practice and have practiced various spiritual traditions, in my human heart I am a nature worshipper. It's where I most feel my union with Source, God, whatever you choose to call the Infinite IS.

I had a bountiful harvest of gifts to be thankful for this year including the glorious freedom to get in a car at 8 p.m. and drive most of the night. A wonderful way to enjoy three of my favorite things: nature, driving and beautiful music.

May your harvest be bountiful and may more good things come to you every day.

Monday, September 20, 2010

As Within So Without

It's an ancient adage that what is going on within our consciousness, our inner belief system, is reflected as experiences in our outer world.

Sometimes it's hard to accept that what's going on without in our experience is a reflection of what's going on within our consciousness. This feels especially true when we're dealing with people who aren't treating us the way we feel they should.

Yet once we accept this as true -- not just sometimes but all the time -- we become empowered to make massive changes in our outer experience because while we can't manipulate what's going on without, we can take charge of what's going on within. And when we do that the outer automatically changes.

We bring about this change in consciousness through the tools of affirmation and visualization.
However, these affirmations and visualizations can't be casual or simply perfunctory. They must be done with a deep intention to fully realize the truth of what you're affirming or visualizing. The affirmations and visualizations must be done until you experience an inner click, an inner knowing that this is no longer an affirmation but an absolute truth about you and your experience.

Many years ago I had an experience that I call to mind when I want to remind myself that this process of inner transformation works and changes the outer automatically.

There was a person in my life who constantly put me down. Every time I was in his presence within a few minutes he'd start recounting the sins of my life and making derogatory statements about me, my beliefs and my lifestyle.

I made a firm decision that this was not going to continue to happen and that if it did I would not be spending any time with him. So I did the inner work. I visualized him starting to put me down and saw that he stopped and switched to a different subject. I didn't attempt to get him to say positive things about me -- now I wonder why I didn't -- but just that put-downs were no longer allowed. I did this inner work for several days until I felt an inner realization that the programming was done. Then I went to visit to test whether it had worked.

I'd been there about ten minutes when he started to say something that was headed in a derogatory direction. Without saying a work I simply raised my hand sending a silent message of "stop." And just as I'd seen it in my visualization, his voice trailed off and started up again on an entirely different subject. An interesting aside is that he didn't seem to realize what had happened. One second he was talking about one thing and then he simply switched.

One of my most powerful Truth teachers said that no one can hit you over the head unless at some level you've given them permission. I'm not sure "permission" is the most appropriate word, but I do truly realize that no one can put me down or keep my good from me if my consciousness is firmly aligned with the good I desire.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who's In Charge?

Who's in charge of the Universe?

Who's in charge of my life?

I don't believe there's anyone out there dictating how things are going to transpire.

I have a friend who, when confronted by doubt -- hers or mine -- says, "Well, we know who's in charge." And when she says that I know she's referring to God or a higher power.

Even though I've usually just said, "Sure," it's never really felt right to me. It's caused me to ponder and ponder and ponder the question of who, exactly is in charge.

What I've come to realize is that who's in charge of me and my life is simply my collective consciousness in any one moment -- the sum total of the highest wisdom I've allowed into my consciousness blended with all my worldly thoughts and feelings. It's simply "WHAT IS" at any given moment.

And the same is true of collective consciousness. For instance in a job situation, the applicant hired will be the one who's consciousness is most in alignment with the consciousness of the interviewers.

And the same is true for the entire world and all the nations and their interactions. Who's in charge is the collective consciousness of everyone at each and every moment in time and space and it's always subject to instant change.

So what does this mean for me? It means that I need to be vigilant and mindful of what I'm allowing into my consciousness on a moment-by-moment basis, because the bottomline is that I'm in charge of my consciousness and my consciousness is in charge of me and my experiences.

I commit again for the millionth time to think and feel only positive, productive, prospering, loving thoughts.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watch What You Criticize!

One of my first Truth teachers often said that we must "watch what we criticize."

In the beginning it didn't make a lot of sense to me, but over the years the wisdom contained in the phrase has been brought home to me many times; and, unfortunately, I've experienced the fruits of the poisoned tree of criticism.

There was a significant person in my life many years ago whom I criticized often and strongly about the way he handled finances. Not only did I criticize him to his face, but I played a tape in my head over and over about how unstable and irresponsible he was with money.

One day several years later I had one of those A-HA moments where I realized that I was handling money the same way he did. It was a tremendous wake-up call.

Whether we're criticizing or praising, we're always creating mental/emotional patterns in our consciousness that will play themselves out in our outer reality.

As I thought about this, I argued with myself, "But he was irresponsible." And the fact is that, yes, he was.

So how could I have handled this in a way that would have served me or at least not created chaos in my future financial experiences? It's an interesting question. The only answer that comes to mind is that I could have eliminated him from my life much sooner than I did, or I could have simply accepted him the way he was and focused on his more positive attributes.

It was definitely a learning experience and it has certainly made me more mindful when I start to feel critical or judgmental around someone's behavior.

We're all doing the best we can with our current state of consciousness and if we want a better outer reality we simply must create a better inner mental/emotional mindset.

Mindset Mastery is what I teach and what I'm striving to master day by day. It's a process. There's always more to learn and more to do and it does get better and better as we stay more focused on the qualities we desire and admire.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Mystical Marriage

The words from the traditional marriage service are familiar to most of us. "What God has joined together let no man put asunder."

When we understand "God" as "Consciousness" these words take on a deeply expanded meaning. What Consciousness has joined together no man can put asunder. What consciousness has joined together cannot be pulled apart without a shift in the original consciousness that drew the parts together.

Consciousness attracts it's own and binds with it. In a relationship -- whether marriage or friendship or a career connection, Consciousness is what brought the parties together.

If something is ours by divine right of consciousness that means that it's truly ours and we don't need to struggle or effort to keep it. If we try to get something by force, by manipulation, then we have to work hard to keep it.

The mystical marriage occurs anytime two parties are brought together by right of consciousness. And it's wonderful, easy, joyful.

And when the consciousness of one or both parties shifts, then the relationship also shifts.

It's not necessarily good and it's not necessarily bad. It's just different.

We're each centers of creative consciousness attracting and repelling as we grow in awareness. Being in the flow without attachment leads to a life of ease, joy and fulfillment.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

No Magic, but ...

One of the things I, personally, find irritating in New Thought and Law of Attraction teachings are the many references to "magic" and "miracles."

I don't believe in magic or miracles.

What I do believe in is PROCESS.

Thoughts are creative energy and every thought we think impresses our subconscious mind with the idea that that's what we want to experience. Good or bad. Happy or sad. We're constantly creating through our thoughts, feelings and visualizations.

I frequently remind myself: MY THOUGHTS ARE CREATIVE ENERGY. As I powerfully think the same thought, visualize and feel it's fulfillment over and over an ever larger, more powerful energy field is created which, when it reaches maximum, automatically manifests. It is the LAW. It must MANIFEST. If I don't have what I want, it's because I haven't thought, felt and visualized enough for it to become my reality.

Sometimes when the desired result manifests it does feel like something magical or miraculous has happened, but it's not magic. It's just the outer manifestation of an inner belief system that has become complete.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Higher Self

The concept of God as the Whole, the Universe, Source Energy, Principle, Life, etc., is so expansive that I've never been able to feel much of a personal connection.
When people say, "God loves you," that has very little meaning to me. As a divine idea Love is definitely a part of the totality the God of my understanding is, but I don't think that Allness loves me with anything that we might feel as a human connection. One aspect of It's nature is Love itself, the divine idea of pure, unconditional love.
However, the concept of Higher Self, Higher Power, or God Individualized brings it down to an earthly level where I can feel connected and one with something higher than "me," the human. I see, feel, know my Higher Self as that part of my consciousness that sees the big picture, that is an expression of the highest and best there is and wants to experience those attributes on earth as me, Kathryn.
My Higher Self loves me, cares for me and wants me to have all the good I truly desire because my desires come from Her. She is connected with the Whole, knows what will make me happy and fulfilled, and knows how to guide me to the fulfillment of those desires.
Your Higher Self is there for you. She/He is a steady stream of love, wisdom and guidance flowing through you, leading you to ever greater good. All we have to do is let go and let Her/Him show us our own unique path step by step by step. One day at a time. One step at a time. Let go and let Higher Self have Her/His way with you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Paraphrasing Matthew 12:25, Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
In James 1:8 we're told "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
I recently had the opportunity to reflect more deeply on these concepts. I applied for a job I didn't get and truly felt I should have gotten. However there was hesitation and division in my consciousness about some of the things I would be trading off -- like closeness to my family -- if I got it.
What I realized is that when I am absolutely clear about what I want, I get it almost instantly. But as long as I'm divided in my desire I experience a lot of inner instability and confusion and outer conditions aren't clear and clean cut.
I think one of the secrets to living in harmony with oneself and others is "When in doubt, don't."
Seek first clarity. Be focused on what you really do want. And if there's a lot of inner debate going on it's probably best to release it and seek something entirely different.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I usually dream at least three-features in technicolor and Dolby stereo every night. Dreams are a powerful way in which I’ve gained insight into my ever, evolving consciousness and I enjoy having them and working with them.
A couple nights ago I dreamt there was an almost dead elephant spread out in front of my home. It was huge and was deeply embedded in the soil. It appeared to be in its final death throes and some workers were standing around trying to figure out how to dispose of it.
As I reflected on this dream I realized it was my subconscious mind’s way of letting me know that an old, embedded belief system that has plagued me most of my life was finally ending.
I went into a meditative state and saw the workers painlessly putting the elephant out of her misery and then removing the body for cremation (purification).
Then I planted positive, helpful ideas in the deep gouges left by the elephant’s body and covered the thought seeds with fresh, rich soil.
Why an elephant? Elephants “never” forget; and it had been seemingly impossible for me to forget the belief system I was dealing with as it had been so deeply impressed upon me as a child. Also the saying, "There's an elephant in the room" means there's something that's not being dealt with. That elephant had been in my mental room way too long.
I am available to help you work with your dreams. E-mail me at kathrynbrenson@aol.com to set up an appointment.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A New Adventure

For several years significant people in my life have been telling me I should be blogging.  And for several years I've ignored it.

NOW is the time.  And I'm excited about sharing reflections on  my passion for spirituality, personal development, hypnotherapy and dreams.

I've also started sending out a Newsletter each week through Constant Contact which will present a more in depth discussion of varous topics.

This week's message was about being willing to accept greater good and some of the blocks many of seem to have about allowing ourselves to change in positive ways.

If you'd like to receive my newsletter e-mail me at kathrynbrenson@aol.com and I'll add your name.